CityVille is one of Zynga’s most ambitious projects to date, in terms of including a more in-depth business model for trading goods. Owning and running individual businesses is nothing new to Zynga games, but the inclusion of the franchise feature certainly is new. More important than ever before, is the supply and demand aspect of goods. Goods and items are needed to stock your franchises and you can produce goods on your farms.
As is the case with all Zynga games, such as FarmVille, you need to keep your hand on crops grown on your farms. Harvested crops will need to be stored and they need to be harvested in time, to avoid whither. Time the maturity of the crops you plant, so that when you log in, they are ready for harvest. Go a step further by logging in when your Energy bar is completely refilled.
Storing your goods is vital to keeping your supply lines stocked and enabling easy trade. Storing your Goods in silos is the cheapest method, but not very efficient in terms of ground space used versus goods stored. There is not much difference in the cost per unit of Goods stored, when you compare the different storage methods with each other. For example, it costs 2,5 coins to store one unit of Goods in a silo, while storing Goods in a Red Barn, costs 2,4 coins per unit. The ultimate solution is to use Cargo Sheds, but these cost City Cash.
Rather go to the effort of building Red Barns and Sticks. Arrange these storage areas next to each other, opposite your farms. By placing them efficiently on the city grid, you will maximize your storage space and keep your building costs down, in terms of real world money.
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