Monday, 16 May 2011


CLICK HERE TO JOIN !  Dont Miss Out ! 

more info - 

Hello people today im writing a post about the "Cityville club" you may think its another thing to waste your money on but its truly the best thing i have ever bought!! I bought the club guide on the first of April 2011 and since then i have gained over 53 million coins and over 1000 energy and a few hundred extra neighbours :) now when i log into my Cityville i know that my city is the best and i have pride in it ! and you can to click here to get the Cityville club guide. The guide will ether come in a eBook or a real book its for you to decide also when you join the Cityville club you get a user name and password to log into the club so you know all of the new cheats and updates ! so overall i highly recommend you looking or buying the Cityville club guide trust me you don’t want to have the rubbish city ??

here is proof that i used the guide and it worked –