Monday, 28 March 2011

cityville club

Hello City Builders, Ive recently join the "cityville club" and i have found it amazing ! - i now have an amazing 1212 energy !! and over 54 million coins ! when i joined the club i thought it would be bad, i thought that it would be tips and cheats that i would already know but i was wrong - im not aloud to tell you any of the tips tricks or cheats (you will have to join the club yourself . the club also says how to get lots of neighbours that will send you a gift everyday !. it also tells you how to get unlimited cash with a little secret !! to join the cityville club follow the link below - CLICK HERE !

My cityville after I joined the club -


  1. Really? why the ALL coments are almost the same, like Ctrl+V?

  2. probably cause its some dum date site they all want you to go to cause they get paid every time someone clicks on the site...... or they just want to hack your system .
