Friday 29 July 2011

500 Hometown Cash!


Hey everyone: you’ve had some time to build the Hometown of your dreams.
Now give us the Tour!
We’ll give the best Hometown a hefty sum of 500 Hometown Cash! This will be based on originality, effort, and presentation.
Showcase your Hometown in this thread!
Enter our CityVille Hometown Tour Contest by posting the following in this thread:
  • A screenshot of your Hometown (you may need to take more than one screenshot, depending on how large your Hometown is)
  • Your Facebook UID

Need to know how to take a screenshot? Look here:
Need to find your Facebook UID? Look here:…n_US&loc=en_US
Here’s how to post a photo in our Forums:
Feel free to send in your entries on Thursday, July 28, 2011 at midnight PST! This thread will be opened at that time.
You have until August 3, 11:59pm PST to submit an entry.
One entry per person please. You may not create multiple accounts and submit multiple entries.
Think you can outdo this Hometown?
i Db9mXBF M CityVille Hometown Tour Contest!


  1. IT Dont works This coming:Sorry, the page you were looking for in this blog does not exist.
