Saturday 11 December 2010

cityville review

cityville is a fun and easy to use game its like farmville but you create a city and you build commuity buildings to rise your population
its a bit like city of wonder aswell how do you earn coins ? you buy a shop ect .. and you need a farm aswell to create your stock for your shop .ect then people from the houses can go to the shop .ect and once the shop reaches its coin limit you collect the money and then with the money you can buy houses , shops , farm plots . cityville is a simple game if you know how to use it but you can get the hang of it quite easily . there are a few bad points about the game such as , it takes a while to load and it can freze depending on your computer .cityville is probally one of zynga's best game yet and its already got 1 million worldwide users just on cityville !! due to the world wide sucsess of farmville .now farmville users a dropping im glad to say that cityvilles users are bursting through the roof. Overall
cityville scores a 9 out of 10 due to enjoyment and its easy to play thanks for reading by arran rice .

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